Fallout 4 ini edit for mods
Fallout 4 ini edit for mods

fallout 4 ini edit for mods

If you want the same color as your main UI color,look for in the "Fallout4Prefs.ini" with the code line: fModMenuEffectColorB=1.000fModMenuEffectColorG=0.3029fModMenuEffectColorR=0.0050Ĭopy the numbers that you have and paste them. Here's a texture mod you can use to change the color which you need to edit with a image editor,the texture mod is from pajonk77. The PA main HUD can't be changed with ini's if I'm not mistaken,you need to edit the image to change the color. Here's an example what the color looks like with that code above. fPAEffectColorB=1.000fPAEffectColorG=0.3029fPAEffectColorR=0.0050 You need to post it on the file "Fallout4Custom.ini" the following lines. To change the Pipboy menu hud in P.A you have to use this ini line's. This process enables Fallout to accept the use of mods. I don't know is this has been posted or used on mod tools on nexus since I don't use tools to fiddle with my ini's. sResourceDataDirsFinal Now, save the file and close the Notepad. I was looking around the full ini setting that been posted on nexus. With this tweak you can change the menu hud color to what ever you want. Hate the yellowish pipboy menu color hud?

Fallout 4 ini edit for mods